计划为在职社区护士开设八个与社区护理主题相关总共十门的课程,费用全免。每门课程的学习时数为 40 小时,在五个周六上课。于2016年9月至2019年12月期间,来自澳门二十间非政府机构逾二百多名的在职社区护士参与课程。
研究项目主要有关澳门认知障碍症素养和澳门社区健康的挑战,四份研究论文已于2019年底和2020年初提交;同时亦在国际会议上进行了多个关于认知障碍症素养的专题演讲。此外,一项针对「澳门居民的健康需求评估研究」(“The Health Needs Assessment Study of Macau Residents")的专题研究还获得由美国心脏协会颁发的国际学者奖(International Scholar Award)。
Investigating dementia literacy among community-dwelling adults and older adults in Macau: A mixed methods study. BMC Geriatrics.
Leung, A. Y. M., Leong, C. S. U, Cheong, P. L., Tsang, A. S. M., Lam Nogueira, B. O. C., Liu, M., Van, I. K., Cheung, D. S. K., Xie, Y. J., Fung, O., Yuen Loke, A., Molasiotis, A. (under review). (Impact Factor: 2.818) submitted on 1 Dec 2019. Ref. BGTC-D-19-00932
The challenges to sustaining the health of the population of Macau from the perspectives of community health leaders: A qualitative descriptive study.
Cheung, D.S.K., Xie, G.Y., Lam Nogueira, O.C,B., Loke Yuen, A., Tsang, S.M.A., Fung, O., Cheong, P.L., Leung, A.Y.M., Leong, C.S.U., Liu, K.M., Van, I.K., Molasiotis, A. (2019). (submitted Dec 2019).
Relationships between television viewing, computer and mobile phone usage and sleep quality in a Chinese population: findings from the “Healthy living, longer lives” study. Journal of Medical Internet Research
Xie, Y.J., Cheung, D. S. K., Yuen Loke, A., Lam Nogueira, B. O. C., Liu, M., Leung, A. Y. M., Tsang, A. S. M., Leong, C. S. U, Molasiotis, A. (Under review). (Impact factor: 4.945). Submitted on 5 Feb 2020.
Dementia literacy in the Greater Bay Area of China: Challenges and opportunities. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Special Issue: Health literacy and Equity
Leung, A. Y. M., Molasiotis, A., Zhang, J., Deng, R., Liu, M., Van, I. K., Leung, I. S. H., Loke Yuen, A. (under review). (Impact Factor: 2.145) abstract was accepted. prepared full paper – submitted Dec 27, 2019
Public awareness and attitude towards depression: A community-based qualitative study in Macao.
The lifestyle characteristics and co-morbidity in Macau residents: findings from the "Healthy Living, Longer Lives" study.
Exploring the perception and expectation of dementia care services in Greater Bay Area: A qualitative study.
2020 Paul Dudley White International Scholar Award by the American Heart Association.
Associations of Sleep Quality with Body Mass Index and Obesity: The Health Needs Assessment Study of Macau Residents.
Xie, Y.J., Yuen Loke, A., Cheung, D. S. K., Lam Nogueira, B. O. C., Liu, M., Leung, A. Y. M., Fung, O. W. M., Tsang, A. S. M., Leong, C. S. U, Cheung, J., Van, F., Molasiotis, A.
Public awareness and attitude towards depression: A community-based qualitative study in Macao.
Leung, A. Y. M., Cheong, P. K., Leong, S. U., Lam, N. O. C., Liu, M., Van, I. K., Yuen Loke, A., & Molasiotis, A. (2018). The 12th Biennial Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery. Cairns, Australia. 18-19 July 2018.
Understanding of dementia and related services in Macao: A qualitative study.
Leung, A. Y. M., Leong, S. U., Cheong, P. K., Lam, N. O. C., Liu, M., Van, F. , Yuen Loke, A., & Molasiotis, A. (2018). The 12th Biennial Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery. Cairns, Australia. 18-19 July 2018.
Associations of Sleep Quality with Body Mass Index and Obesity: The Health Needs Assessment Study of Macau Residents.
Xie, Y.J., Yuen Loke, A., Cheung, D. S. K., Lam Nogueira, B. O. C., Liu, M., Leung, A. Y. M., Fung, O. W. M., Tsang, A. S. M., Leong, C. S. U, Cheung, J., Van, F., Molasiotis, A. AHA EPI/Lifestyle 2020 Scientific Sessions, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 3-6 March 2020.
Internet usage and health information seeking behaviours among Macau youths – the preliminary findings from the Macau Community Health Needs Assessment.
Xie, Y.J., Yuen Loke, A., Cheung, D. S. K., Lam Nogueira, B. O. C., Fung, O. W. M., Leung, A. Y. M., Liu, M., Tsang, A. S. M., Leong, C. S. U, Cheung, J., Molasiotis, A. The 12th Biennial Conference of the Global Network of WHO Collaborating Centres for Nursing and Midwifery. Cairns, Australia. 18-19 July 2018.
Advocating dementia literacy in society: The stakeholders involved and the actions needed.
Leung, A. Y. M. (2019 Nov12-14) Keynote speech in the 7th International Health Literacy Conference organised by Asia Health Literacy Association. Thu Duc Hospital, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
The project ‘Promoting dementia literacy in Zhuhai and Hong Kong’ was selected as the listed project.
Leung, A. Y. M. (2019 Feb 24-26). The 2nd Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Health Cooperation Conference. Health Commission of Guangdong Province, Food and Health Bureau of the Government of Hong Kong SAR, Health Bureau of Macao SAR Government, and Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government. Shenzhen, China.
Dementia literacy in the Greater Bay Area of China.
Leung, A. Y. M. (2019, Jan 14). The Inaugural Ceremony and Seminar of Hong Kong Health Literacy Hub cum Asia Health Literacy Association (AHLA) Hong Kong Office. Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
「银娱社区护理计划」- 第一部分
随着澳门人口老龄化, 小区护理的需求日渐增长,银河娱乐集团基金会于2016年开展「银娱社区护理计划」,以鼓励年轻护士加入社区护理行业,并为本地社区护士提供持续培训的机会,从而提高澳门社区护理的素质。
「银娱社区护理计划」- 第二部分